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Innovations for better solutions!



: Czech Republic
: Hostoun
: 2013
: RoadCem

In Hostoun, near Prague, an existing granular road is upgraded to an urban road. On this urban road, in the near  future houses will be build. Due to type of existing gravelly material, this material is mixed with a Sandy Clay, to fill the pores in the gravelly material.


After the pores are filled the material is mixed with RoadCem and Cement.

Above the 0.25 m thick stabilization a thin asphalt surface layer of 0.05 m is applied.

In urban areas, Electricity cables, manholes for the sewer system and service pipes are occurring on the road. Special construction methods needs to be done, to prevent damaging this cables , the cover of the manholes or service pipes during milling, mixing and compaction.


The project is successfully constructed and finished in a few days.

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